Orb of the night

At every turn I run into you,
Your incessant presence is quite remarkable.
Your graciousness is unmissable!
So still, yet moving,
Gliding through rampantly-
Abiding by an unspoken promise
To never leave me bereft.
Your transcendent aura emits tranquility &
as I continue to gaze at you, I see nothing;
But a messenger of the Divine’s love & creation.
I often find myself-
envying the companionship of the stardom- that follows you.
It may aghast you to hear that thought of mine, but I may add that-
these redundant thoughts merely hold any weight!
It’s all forgiven in love & war- they say;
Who am I to question the fabricated truth.
I’m just another human with a raging tempest on the inside,
Bickering contingencies on the exterior.
So dear Lunar light, it seems that I’m here
At your grace,
Yearning for your curvy embrace which makes me feel at solace.
Eluding the reality for a teensy while,
I shall see you in my dreams tonight!


This veil of uncertainty: overwhelming.

It’s running me down,

It’s riling me up!

The over exhaustive tosses of it-

is crumbling my energy away.

Uncertainty of time,

Uncertainty of place,

Uncertainty of everything-

That’s hiding in disguise!

I’m well aware of the faith

that’s dormant in me.

I’m well aware of the light that’s 

smoldering within,

Abandoning smoke to fog up-

my window to the other side!

Oh dear Uncertainty,

I eagerly wish for your well-being;

I hope you haven’t forgotten-

you’re merely a voyager of time.

Soon you’ll be pushed to the past,

and in no time you’ll be replaced

I’m quite certain of that,

Aren’t you?!


Knowing thyself

Nature perpetually finds a way around (Pinterest image)

Nature perpetually finds a way around,
So shall we, despite the adversities of life!
Entrenched with strong roots of wisdom,
We are branches of the same Collective being!
Nothing lasts forever, but our Spirit.
It’s about time, to grow spiritually &
To intertwine with
the omnipresent:
For Renaissance of our adrift soul!
Nature perpetually finds a way around,
But, will we?
Where’s our attention?
Inside us or loitering outside?
There is a dire need
for contemplation &
Integration with the truth: the Divine.

#8 Haiku: Self-realization

To learn about Sahaja Yoga, kindly click on the following link: https://www.freemeditation.com/sahaja-yoga/
To take your self-realization, kindly leave a comment down here or you can click on the above mentioned link to get your realization. Also, you may contact me to get the information regarding the nearest Sahaja Yoga centre wherein you can take your self-realization in person and meet the other Sahaja Yogis.

“Redundant thoughts fixed

Through Self-realization

Blooming Lotuses.”

~Shambhavi ©

To learn about Sahaja Yoga, kindly click on the following link: https://www.freemeditation.com/sahaja-yoga/
To take your self-realization, kindly leave a comment down here or you can click on the above mentioned link to get your realization. Also, you may contact me to get the information regarding the nearest Sahaja Yoga centre wherein you can take your self-realization in person and meet the other Sahaja Yogis.


Words: they leave my mind
to create ripples of chaos;
that coalesce to form
gigantic waves of emotions.
Catalyzed by the:
lack of communication
& perhaps,
cause of the
redundant miscommunication.
There, I stand feeling

It’s Okay..


It’s okay to feel lost at times,
It’s okay to not have a plan;
It’s okay to not seek, want or need.
But it isn’t okay to stay stagnant!
It isn’t okay to stay imbalanced,
It isn’t okay to self-deprecate!
It’s time, to love oneself,
It’s time, to feel joy in our hearts,
It’s time, to give up the pessimism!
Oh yes, it’s time to say yes~
To yourself,
To peace of mind,
To getting rid of everything that’s stopping you;
From achieving all that you want, need or seek.

P.S: First, love yourself & be kind! Sending sunshine your way! Have a great day peeps!🌞🌞😇😇🙏

#5 Black & White Series: Stairway to Heaven or Hell?!

“There’s still time to change the road you’re on…”

~ Robert Plant

Open your heart, let your fear dwindle away &
surrender yourself to the divine energy that surrounds.
Let the consciousness that you’re take over.

Where are we headed!? I guess it’s high time we press pause for a while and contemplate our deeds. Let’s stay in the present, let’s be kind & fill our hearts with love & joy for oneself and for other.


I'm changing at every turn of life
But the folded corners of me remain untouched
I'm changing at every turn of time
But the spirit that I'm continues to shine
I'm changing at every turn of emotion
But I'm still learning to witness before reacting
I'm changing at every turn of the circumstances
But the strength that I'm is still within me
I'm changing with every wave of ocean
But the drop that I'm, I evanesce in the same water
Where I lose my I and become one with the whole.
I'm changing all the time
But the love and compassion within abides.


Relentlessly trying to do the needful,

Yet I find myself in stagnant waters

of dismay & distraught.

I feel overwhelmed,

I feel rather lost and incapable;

And I don’t think that’s quite a nice feeling to have.

I’m rowing upstream without paddle,

Against the roaring storm

Shadowing time, but still falling behind.

They say that if God doesn’t catch you when you fall-

He will give you wings to fly.

But I feel I’m neither flying or falling,

Stuck in the middle I suppose?!

Or at the edge of the cliff?!

Hoping for some refuge.

~Shambhavi 🌹